Self Love Routine - Founder Justene shares an Ayurvedic routine for inner and outer radiance

Ayurveda has long recognized that the seemingly simplest acts of living are the most critical when it comes to caring for the Self. Another critical component of health in the ayurvedic system of medicine, is the concept that 'routine is medicine'.
This means that we create deeper stability in our body-mind by repeating acts of self-care.
This ayurvedic self love routine is simple enough that is can be performed daily, and can also be added to. Additional components may include performing neti-pot nasal irrigation, tongue scraping, and oil-pulling, before you begin to brew your tea.
This will awaken your senses for the day. Incorporating this routine before your yoga or meditation practice can have profound benefits. Also, lighting a candle before commencing your routine invites a sense of sacredness into your life and is an easy way to work with the fire element.
Ibu Ayurveda Self Love Routine
Step 1.
Boil pure water and make a generous brew with 1-2 heaped teaspoons of herbal tea & set aside.
Herbal tea is a form of herbal medicine which may promote natural healing and have fewer side effects when compared to prescription medicine. Our herbal tea blends are Naturopathically formulated and ayurvedic inspired with 100% organic herbs, flowers, and spices.
Our fave for winding down is Calm tea to reduce stress and balance the nervous system. For general digestive wellness we recommend Agni Digestive Fire Balancing tea.
For hormonal balance we recommend Conception tea, for supporting women in their motherly roles we recommend Motherhood tea, and for birth prep, or just a nutritive female tonic, we love Full Bloom tea.
Step 2.
Dry body brush in long circular strokes towards your solar plexus. Ayurvedic dry-brushing, called garshana, a powerful way to support the removal of ama (cellular waste products) from the body and promotes lymphatic cleansing. A natural bristle brush or exfoliating gloves is ideal for the process.

This technique is especially recommended when we have signs of ama, which may include fatigue, sluggishness, feeling physical or mental dullness, constipation, and a taxed immune system.
Step 3.
You may either take a shower now before your oil application or wait and have a light, quick shower without soap after your oil application.
Use the shower time to appreciate the water element and visualise yourself being completely cleansed and refreshed by the water.
Step 4.
Apply your dosha specific body oil, either Vata ,Pitta, Kapha, or Tridosha with tenderness and gratitude for your physical body. By applying oil to our skin (body) we pacify the excess 'air' element which is responsible for irregularity, dryness, roughness and agitation in our bodies.
This helps to create consistency, moisturise, stability and calms the mind.
Daily body oiling with medicated Ibu oils helps to:
Strengthen the body and firm the limbs.
Eliminate Keratosis pilaris (those little bumps on skin of arm etc).
Promote emotional “grounding”.
Rejuvenate and enhance skin tone and moisture levels.
Tone and vitalize the tissues of the body.
Nourish the body.
Promote longevity.
Improve your sleep patterns.
Strengthen the body's tolerance and immune system.
Stimulate circulation and promote elimination.
Learn more about the oil collection here.
The massage doesn’t have to be a long process, 7 minutes is ideal, but on busy days 3 minutes is fine. The amount of oil also doesn’t need to be excessive, a thin layer is fine, applied in long circular strokes and paying special attention to the joints.
Ibu Ayurveda oils are each designed to firstly reduce excess Vata derangement, which we all tend to have due to modern life, and then also balance your individual dosha.
You may take a quick warm shower without soap, if you didn't shower after the dry body brushing, the heat from the water will help the healing properties penetrate the skin. Otherwise you can just allow your oil to absorb naturally.
Step 5.
Mist your face and body with multidimensional Full Bloom Tri-doshic Radiance mist and then apply a few drops Full Bloom Luminosity Face Oil (Tridoshic) using your finger tips to pat the oil into the skin.

This holistic skincare duo is anti-aging, anti inflammatory, antioxidant, healing, hydrating, soothing and uplifting with aromatherapy and flower and crystal essences.
Tridosha defines the three fundamental energies or principles which govern the function of our bodies on the physical and emotional level known as vata, pitta, and kapha.
Each individual has a unique balance of all three of these energies. Some people will be predominant in one, while many are a mixture of two or more. Our Tridoshic range is designed to support the 3 doshas and bring them into balance.
Including vibrational medicine in Ibu products is a conscious design aspect to help balance the human energetic field. Quantum physics has long proven the existence of the bio energetic field or human aura. By using high vibrational energetic substances such a natural herbs, and flower and crystal remedies we may be able improve the quality of energy.
Taking several deep belly breathes, during misting and applying the oil, further facilitates the calming the nervous system
Step 6.
Massage your face using the Kansa wand.
Massage with the kansa wand can relieve muscular tension, oxygenate the skin, smooth visibility of fine-lines & wrinkles, draw-out toxins, reduce inflammation, balance pH & increase your healthy inner glow!
In Ayurvedic medicine, the benefits of Kansa massage don’t stop at the skin level.
The Kanza itself (bronze) is believed to have healing properties that balance the three doshas: Pitta (fire & water), Vata (air & ether) and Kapha (water & earth) and unblock energy within your body to enhance vitality and relieve stress.
Step. 7
Drop 6 drops of your chosen Ibu Ayurveda essence into your strong brew of tea. Ibu Ayurveda Flower & Gem Essences contain Australian Native flowers and crystals in formulas designed to reduce stress and promote energetic and emotional wellbeing.
This means they may assist in balancing your energy and wellbeing by using the imprint of the specific flower and crystal to clear emotions or blockages that may be interfering with balance in the body and mind.
Flower & Gem Essences are internal remedies that may be taken from the dropper directly under the tongue or dropped into water and sipped throughout the day. Our essences are very pleasant to taste and contain less than 0.1% alcohol and are safe during pregnancy and for children.
Motherhood Essence offers restoration, reconnection, and replenishment for mother’s who feel depleted. Promotes emotional balance and reinvigorates when feeling overwhelmed.
Cconception Essence has specific affiliations for fertility, inspired feminine creation, and sensual wholeness. Encourages receptivity and clears blockages.
Full Bloom Essence evokes serenity, resilience and integration during the childbirth process, or the birth of a major project. Promotes inner peace, stamina and intuition.
Repair Essence promotes recovery, renewal and assist in rebuilding trust after traumatic events, including birth trauma. Encourages integration and removes feelings of darkness. Flower & Gem Essences are safe for use during pregnancy.