Founder of KANDALA YOGA - Deni on yoga as a lifestyle medicine, what an ideal dinacharya is, and how to shift your practice around your moon cycle.

"Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself"
Intelligent and aware, this ethereal and yet grounded woman is paving a new way of connecting Mind, Body and Spirit by combining the ancient wisdom from the East and the insights from the West. Deni chats to us about how to take yoga off the mat and why having a morning routine is a must!
Thanks for chatting to us Deni, your story is very inspiring and I am sure our readers will love hearing more about your philosophy too!
The content you share about self-nurturing yoga is fantastic. Can you share more about your particular yogic philosophy and self-nurturing?
Thank you so much. I believe the very nature of true, authentic Yoga is self- nurturing. It bridges the gap or disconnect that is often felt within us due to our modern day lives. Yoga is an honest pathway and lifestyle that draws us back to our core and supports us in feeling complete and abundant always.
My personal philosophy is that Yoga belongs in our lives as a lifestyle medicine. Meaning that it supports as via a daily practice as well as a moment-by- moment tool (e.g. using breathing techniques, philosophies or postures as needed).
A good Yoga practice should be intention-based and inclusive of our whole being - body, mind + soul. We then come to learn that whatever we do on the mat transfers to our life off the mat in ways that leaves us feeling connected to ourselves and the world around us. To me, this is the very essence of self-love in it’s purest form.
What led to you become a yoga teacher and holistic educator?
Like most teachers my practice began as a form of exercise but swiftly became so much more. I was studying Biology and Biochemistry at the time that Yoga found me and I was invigorated by how much the two worlds (East + West) wove together quite well. From there I found myself volunteering in an Ashram and learning authentic Yoga from a Guru and Sannyasi (monks). That’s where my teaching journey first began.
The undeniable difference that Yoga made to my life is what drove me to help others too. It pulled me out of the depths of depression and anxiety and was an absolute pillar of strength during and after an abusive relationship. It has supported me through pregnancy, childbirth and now motherhood.
The gift of Yoga and holistic education (bringing together wisdom from all over) is one that needs to be shared. So that’s why I have brought together all of my worlds to impart as much as I can to others seeking a similar path too.
Does your yoga practice change around your monthly hormonal cycles - can you share some tips for adjusting your practice to best support women’s health?
Yes, I try to live cyclicly as best as I can to nurture my body’s needs throughout my lunar cycle as well as the seasons.
When it comes to our monthly bleed, it’s best to slow the postures down as to not exert too much energy or stress on the body. It’s a time to go inwards and to focus on the downward flow of energy.
So this means we should avoid inversions (where our heart goes higher than our head e.g. headstands and shoulder stands) and focus on gentle grounding postures that move tension from the hips and legs. These could be postures like child’s pose, a seated forward fold or a seated cobbler’s pose. But above all else, learn to listen to your body’s needs and just go with whatever feels good for you. No two bodies are the same and we should honour our uniqueness by listening inwards.
Have you heard of the ayurvedic concept dinacharya - the ideal daily routine? If so, can you share which of the ayurvedic self-care practices you have woven into your daily flow?
I adore Dinacharya and live by it daily. Some days I will be a lot stricter but for the most part I will always:
Wake up before 6am to avoid Kapha time.
Eat my largest meal during the middle of the day when our digestive power is strongest.
I won’t eat later than 6pm if I can. And I will go to bed before 10pm.
- Doing abhyanga (self-massage with oil) daily also helps to keep me grounded and connected. I think being guided by a good daily ritual like this helps us to balance our energy and makes us feel more productive and grounded.
What is your go to pose if you don’t have time for a long practice?
It can vary depending on how my body is feeling and what stage of my cycle I am at. However, if I don’t have long to practice then I can’t go past a few rounds of Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) to work the whole body and get the energy moving. I know that’s not one pose (haha) but it’s the best little sequence to memorise if you are short on time and wanting to integrate yoga in your life. A wide-legged child’s pose is another go-to that supports most of my physical challenges like lower back pain, tightness in the hips, tired legs, fatigue or anxiety.
If you could share just one piece of game changing advice to our readers what would it be?
Create a morning routine. It doesn’t have to be long or involved but it does need to be a moment that you can dedicate completely to yourself before you do anything else for the day. You could simply make a cup of tea and think of a daily intention, you could journal or practice yoga, meditation or breath-work. It doesn’t really matter because it’s what feels right for you. If you do this I can guarantee that you will feel more connected to yourself, your days and your life. Giving yourself a moment each morning, and sticking to it, makes everything else in your life seem possible. It’s total empowerment.
What’s next for you?
I envision that the next stage for Kandala Yoga is creating immersive journeys or short courses that are absolute medicine for the soul. They will give people hands-on-tools and experiences that will nestle them into a place of alignment within themselves and their lives. I am currently working on a 7 week Chakra Journey that will integrate movement, philosophy, breath, chanting, NLP (neuro linguistic programming) and affirmation work to empower others to self-harmonise the major energy centres within our being. I am also expanding my online store with deeply, heart-centred, one-off gifts imbued with intention. My heart is bursting with excitement and gratitude for the whole journey.
Thank you so very much for including me in the Ibu Ayurveda Journal. It’s been an absolute honour and joy to share with you.